Sinéad Smyth. Oil Paintings and Art Courses

Sinéad Smyth is an artist from Inishowen – the most northerly peninsula in Donegal, Ireland.

Her paintings explore landscapes and seascapes as places of memory, connection and a nurturing influence on being human. She runs art courses and classes from the Inishowen Artists' Retreat.

    An oil painting by Sinéad Smyth

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A meadow of wildflowers

Paintings and prints for sale

Sinéad's work explores sensory relationships with landscape as a place of memory, as a defining aspect of being human. She is interested in how this relationship can be maternal and nurturing, and have meaning in personal anthropology.

Her oil paintings have evolved towards semi-representational, often abstract, landscape and seascape paintings. She works both en plein air and in her studio, using traditional and experimental processes in oil, charcoal and mixed media on paper and canvas.

Sinéad has original oil paintings for sale, as well as limited edition, signed prints.

Creative resources and articles

A selection of articles that might help your creative direction, inspire you to do something differently or simply guide your hand gently.