Oil painting for beginners art class

In this one-day introduction to oil painting participants will gain confidence and become more comfortable working with oils.

An introduction to brushes, colour mixing and paint application techniques will be given as well as hints and tips on priming canvas and boards, underpainting from gesso to use of the Grisaille – the Simplest Form of Underpainting. A grisaille is the simplest form, done with just black and white and demonstrates awareness of value and tone in a painting, and introducing the idea of Notan (pronounced no-tan), a Japanese term that means ‘light and dark harmony/balance. ‘ It’s a design concept that looks at how light and dark elements of a composition interact only using black and white.

The whole day ensures a greater foundation of knowledge and understanding for the process of traditional oil painting technique and we hope everyone will create their own work of art to take home too.

The class

10am-4.30pm. 6 participants. Tea and coffee provided. Light lunch provided.

Please bring your own materials. We can supply materials at a reasonable price, but you would need to let us know in advance.

The course will be led by resident artist Sinéad Smyth.


We have reduced rate accommodation for up to four people at our Artists' Retreat during our art course weekends. It's reduced because the public areas are used by other course participants during the day. If it's already booked, we can recommend other local places to stay.

You can view our rooms here: artstaysdonegal.com.

Contact us for booking and more information as booking is not available on the website for these weekends.