Mountain moon lake, Barnesmore Gap

After several months of driving up and down to Galway every week, and many hours spent just watching the skylines and coastlines.  My observations of the constantly changing lines and motions from Donegal to Letrim, Sligo, Galway and back again, I felt the urge to capture the feeling of moving past hedgerows, grassy mounds and stones, lakes and rivers across the shape of the land.

This print is from the first painting which marks the beginnings of my exploration around how all of that has made me feel as an artist.

Barnesmore Gap is the route through the Bluestack Mountains, which connects Donegal to the rest of Ireland.  There are towering mountain sides, a fast flowing river and a lake which, depending on wind strength, resembles a tidal inlet.

This lake is speckled around the edges with tufted islands and an odd thorn tree that is thran enough to hold tight.

One moon rising morning a silver sphere reflected perfectly, like the shield of a celtic warrior.

Rectangular print paper size (landscape orientation)

  • Large: A1 – 580 x 800 mm / 23 x 31 inches (approx.)
  • Medium: A2 – 420 x 594 mm / 17 x 23 inches (approx.)
  • Small: A3 – 420 x 297 mm / 12 x 15.5 inches (approx.)

More details about the print specification here.